Accountable to the board of directors for all activities of the company. Directs the company in establishing long-term plans, strategy and policy.
President of Taiwan's Important subsidiary-Chailease Finance Co., Ltd.
President of Mainland China's Important subsidiary-Chailease International Finance Corporation
Plans, controls and develops the HR function of the company, to ensure the development and implementation of appropriate human resources policies to attract, retain and develop staff to meet business plans/needs.
Responsible for the overall development and supervision of company-wide strategic planning activities. Counsels top management on the strategic plan and other company issues.
Responsible for the management of the audit function of the company.
Plans, directs and controls the whole company's overall financial plans and policies, accounting practices, and relationships with lending institutions, shareholders and the financial communities.
Lead Risk Management Department of the Company to handle risk relative affairs such as risk management policies and subsidiaries' risk control system.
Lead IT Department of the Company to handle IT relative affairs such as information development strategies and information safety policies, IT applications and data integration.