
Chailease Holding complies with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and implements ESG on three levels: from internal to external, through self-improvement, energy saving and carbon reduction, and corporate governance. Chailease Holding also utilizes its influence to work with its supply chain and employees to carry out sustainable actions. In addition, it innovates its products and services to realize sustainable business performance.

In response to climate change, Chailease Holding introduced the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework in 2019, which incorporates climate issues into the company’s decision-making to manage its own operations and major issues. With the release of the official version of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) 2023, Chailease Holding has examined nature-oriented issues and promoted the goal of having a positive impact on nature and living in harmony with other living things.

With the aim of moving towards net-zero carbon emissions, Chailease Holding is committing to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in 2024 in order to propose a clear pathway for carbon reduction and to limit warming to 1.5°C. In 2020, Chailease Holding introduced ISO 14064-1 GHG inventory to identify the sources of Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions, and to collect data to promote the reduction of emissions from Taiwan, gradually expanding the scope to include mainland China and ASEAN countries. In 2021, we adopted the Partnership for Carbon Accounting and Financials (PCAF) to identify greenhouse gas emissions associated with investment and financing activities in three areas, set carbon reduction targets for high carbon emission targets, and continue to reduce the company’s financial exposure to carbon emissions, while assisting clients in restructuring, energy conservation and carbon reduction.

Chailease Holding leverages its influence externally with customers and the supply chain to launch sustainability initiatives, connect with financial institutions and channel funds into the development of renewable energy. Internally, we encourage employees to take an interest in ESG issues and participate in public welfare, and we also support small and medium-sized social welfare organizations. As of 2023, we collaborated with more than 65 social welfare organizations and our service area expanded beyond Taiwan to other countries. Employees spent an average of 1.29 hours on volunteer work in 2023.

In 2023, Chailease Holding’s board of directors elected 9 directors and increased the number of independent directors to 4, including an academic expert specializing in energy technology, to provide objective insights and play a supervisory role to protect shareholder interests. Also, under the Corporate Governance and Sustainable Management Committee, an ESG Executive Committee has been established. It is composed of independent directors and senior executives and is highly involved in industry business strategies and ESG issues.

Chailease Holding’s environmental, social and governance efforts have led to its inclusion as a constituent of the Dow Jones Sustainability (DJSI) World Index and Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index for the fourth time, its first achievement of the Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) Climate Change Management Level B, its inclusion in the MSCI Global Sustainability Index with an AA ESG rating, and its ranking among the top 5 percent of companies on the Taiwan Stock Exchange’s Corporate Governance Assessment, among other achievements.

Looking ahead, Chailease Holding will continue to improve on ESG issues, incorporating the company’s strategic direction of sustainable development, promoting innovation in products and services, facilitating low-carbon transformation, and moving towards the goal of net-zero carbon emissions.