
The opinions of stakeholders have served as the guiding principle for the development of the Chailease sustainable development strategy since the first CSR Report was published in 2013. The process of compiling the Environmental (E), Social (S) and Governance (G) issues of concern to stakeholders is used to internalize the issues as the corporate sustainability targets. Chailease also refers to international sustainability standards and regulations such as the GRI Standards, and SDGs Sustainability evaluations such as the DJSI, MSCI ESG Ratings, and the Chailease Holding's sustainable development strategy are adopted as the basis for materiality analysis for the identification of 5 material topics in four major dimensions including accountable governance, environmental management, social harmony, and happy workplace. The issues are internalized as the company's targets for enterprise risk management (ERM) & sustainable development organized as the basis for drafting reports. The results of the stakeholder agreement will be reported to the Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development Committee and the Board of Directors.

Engaging with Interested Parties

The company maintains a strong relationship with interested parties by engaging them through various channels of communications. This not only contributes to overcoming corporate issues but also brings the company closer to achieving its goals. Such engagement can also serve as the foundation for developing an approach to corporate sustainability and improving company performance across a range of areas.

To effectively identifying key stakeholders, Chailease Holding made reference to the experiences of benchmark companies and industries and discussions among ESG group members from various departments in following the principles of the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard to assess the degree of “Dependency, Responsibility, Influence, Diverse Perspective, and Tension” on the part of stakeholders. After screening of the overall assessment, the main stakeholders were determined to be investors, customers, employees, government agencies, members of society and supplier



Double-materiality analysis
Chailese Holding performs materiality analysis annually, and performed sustainability issue materiality analysis by referring to the Double Materiality Guidelines. Based on GRI 3: Material Topics 2021, the company invited internal top management team to evaluate the actual and potential positive and negative level of impact of the sustainability issue. At last, based on the stakeholders’ level of concern and impact of level of impact of sustainability issue, the SCSB discussed on the impact and financial materiality of sustainability issue. If the sustainability issue has any materiality, it will be identified as a material issue.

A.Collect sustainability issues:
After referencing international sustainability regulations and standards (GRI Standards, SASB, SDGs, TCFD), sustainable investment ratings (DJSI, CDP, MSCI), cases of domestic and foreign financial institutions, industrial trends, media reports about issues related to Chailease Holding and the stakeholder communication process, task forces under the Sustainable Development Committee summarized and listed 20 sustainability issues.

B.Survey stakeholders' level of impact assessment:
Information on issues that stakeholders were concerned about and the degree to which they were concerned were gathered using questionnaires in the form of hardcopies, emails, and on the company’s official website. Questionnaires were sent out with investor briefings and year-end customer satisfaction survey information. Offices within the company sent out questionnaires to stakeholders as well as to employees. A total of 232 questionnaires were filled out and returned.

C.ESG Team suggestions:
In addition to leveraging the channels mentioned above, the ESG teams gave back to society and carried out exchanges on issues that key stakeholders found important to obtaining consensus. They went through relevant information and issues and took into impact assessment the company’s development strategies and key directions. Therefore, we adjustment of material topics:

D.Validation of materiality:
Combining the calculation of impact indexes above and the results of stakeholder engagement, following double-materiality principle, internal and external results are summarized in a materiality matrix. We defined “Corporate Governance”, “Risk Management”, “Operating Performance”, “Ethical Corporate Management”, “Information Security”, “Sustainable Finance”, “Customer Service Management”, “Money Laundering Prevention”, “Regulatory Compliance”, “Human and Labor Right”, “Occupational Safety and Health”, “Talent Cultivation and Development”, “Remuneration and Benefits of Directors, Managers and Employee” and ” Climate Change Action and Strategy” as the material topics. Others of 4 are sustainability issues.

D.Validation of materiality:
Combining the calculation of impact indexes above and the results of stakeholder engagement, following double-materiality principle, internal and external results are summarized in a materiality matrix. We defined “Employee attraction and retention”, “Ethical Corporate Management”, “Operating Performance”, “Sustainable Finance”, “Corporate Governance”, and “Customer Relationship Management”. In addition, the economic governance and sustainability trends were taken into consideration, and after discussion by the ESG team, we selected “Risk Management”, “Information Security”, “Carbon Emissions from Financial Assets”, “Information Security”, and “Carbon Emissions from Financial Assets”, “Human Right”, “Biodiversity and Ecological Conservation”, ”Inclusive Finance” as the 12 material topics. Others of 8 are sustainability issues.

Chailease Materiality Matrix

Material Topics in Chailease Value Chain
Sustainability Issues in Chailease Value Chain
Management Approach and Content